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Friday, September 2, 2011

friday findings: BANANAS

I listened to a great story on NPR's Fresh Air today. "Bananas: The Uncertain Future Of A Favorite Fruit" 
Opened my eyes about bananas, among other things. I've always had a thing for the fruit, from eating it to it's use visually. When I was a freshman in high school I had this love of Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground & Nico. I had a poster of the album cover on my wall. I did an art piece in tenth grade with all the members of the band coming out of banana peels. Yeah, the list continues...

[source: left, right]

Chiquita issued some postcards back in the day to try and show that it wasn't inappropriate and gross to enjoy your bananas in public. [source]

I like to make myself drool. So I found these things I want to make and eat, mostly eat:

Smitten Kitchen: caramel walnut upside down cake | 101 CookbooksBanana Chip Cookies

And a final lesson in badass accessorizing with Josephine Baker (gave a report on her en français in high school--again, bananas) and WAH Nails. 

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